Godcast Mobile Broadcast App – Enlivening mundane bulk SMS process

As a simple and sensible solution, comes God Cast, a mobile app addressing every glitch encountered in hitherto broadcasting services. Godcast has been acclaimed HDFC Bank as one of the 30 most innovative start-ups in India. With Godcast, reach out is guaranteed, broadcasts can be gauged, unlimited messages can be sent and is an ideal platform for to ensure undivided attention.

Once the app is downloaded on mobile phones, messages can be sent to unlimited number of users. The unique dedicated push notification system ensures messages are not just promotional messages. Followers can re-share content even to other social media tools & leverage their network. This ensues creation of an effective referral only based channel (private) for communications that could be sent out to selective user base, if needed. Alternatively, multiple customised channels for each set of recipients can be created to reap the benefits of digital marketing.

Godcast was founded in 2015, by Vishrut Srivatsava, a multi faceted IT Professional, possessing more than 15 years of rich expertise in mobile and web development. Besides holding his Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering and Masters in Business Administration from Vanderbilt Varsity, the young CEO went on to pursue his PhD in AI U of Washington and is yet to complete the same.


Observing the heavy dependence on bulk SMS by entrepreneurs and businessmen, Vishrut identified the gap to create an engaging platform for solid reach out with promising mileage, when he was part of his Silicon Valley start-up Appsmyth. Vishrut elaborates “While the most successful broadcast messaging apps are available in specific verticals such as education, medicine, entertainment etc., there was no horizontal play that addressed this need across verticals. Godcast is meant to bridge that gap.”

Mr. Sudeep Ravindran heads Technology in Godcast. He has been instrumental in creating a scalable platform for awarding of over 4 billion loyalty points. He has
architected trading systems for prominent clients in Europe and USA.

Godcast is extensively used in:

• Political campaign messages, announcements, events to voters and party workers.
• College societies/communities
• Customer service related announcements.
• Campaigning on events and workshops.
• Employee related communication by corporates.
• Merchants send product information to customers.
• Merchants send promotional coupons and offers.
• Corporate performance info to investors.
• Parent teacher communication.

Vishrut reflects that major challenges faced by him when he ventured his start-up were exorbitant office space rentals, expensive talent and no co-founder. His persistent efforts were rewarded in a few months when his technology partner agreed to come on board. It was a breakthrough when Godcast got selected for Matrix Partners incubation facility which solved the problem of office space. Angel list job postings were helpful and he was able to find talent with the right mindset.

In terms of investment, Mr. Ajeet Khurana, Angle Investor pitched in at the right time supplementing the funding brought in by Vishrut. As a major leap, Godcast was selected in the Face Book Start-up program (Face books program for promising start-ups) which roped in $30,000 worth of freebies. Today, Godcast is a hardworking team of five.

On future strategies, Vishrut observes “Receivers can themselves be broadcasters introducing viral effects in the platform. The challenge is in building this network. We are focusing on sales to key broadcasters in different segments. High impact targets include politicians, spiritual leaders, college societies, corporate and brands”. Having bagged a brand new client, DAV College, Vishrut is poised to scale greater heights this Financial Year.

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